Through my Pi Public & International Health Consultancy (KvK-nr. 73985511), I aim to provide high-quality consulting services in public health research, management & training, using evidence-informed & transdisciplinary approaches.
Areas of Expertise
Research, Needs Assessments & Evaluations
- Mixed-methods & participatory approaches
- Problem & stakeholder analysis
- Evidence review & synthesis
- Policy review & analysis
- Priority and objective settings
Knowledge Management
- Evidence-based guidelines
- Standard operation procedures
- Lessons learned
Public Health Topics
- Surveillance
- Primary health care
- Chronic care & continuity of care
- Health policy & systems
- Health in emergencies
- Non-communicable diseases
Project & Program Management
- Stakeholder & community engagement
- Proposal design
- Implementation plan
- Monitoring, evaluation and learning, including logical framework and theory of change
Capacity Building
- Interactive training
- Curriculum development
- Supervision & mentorship
Data Management & Stewardship
- Research data life-cycle
- Data collection and capturing systems
- Quantitative data analysis with R
- Qualitative data analysis with MaxQDA
- Curriculum development
- Codebooks harmonisation